Red Jasper ~ Raven ~ Animal Guides ~ Mixed Metals ~ Sterling Silver Necklace

Red Jasper ~ Raven ~ Animal Guides ~ Mixed Metals ~ Sterling Silver Necklace
Metaphysical // Inspiration
Red Jasper is still known as the Stone of Endurance, a gentle, but vital, stimulator of chi, or Life Force, bringing physical strength and energy, stamina, focus and determination. Its steady frequency calms the emotional body creating a lasting, stable energy for improving health or overcoming illness, setting goals and following through to completion, facing unpleasant tasks and having the courage to rectify wrongs. Red Jasper activates the Base Chakra and stimulates the rise of the kundalini energy throughout the chakras, cleansing and strengthening the aura. It is a stone of passion, useful for restoring and rejuvenating the libido, and in manifesting creative ideas.
Often honored among Native American medicine (wo)men & holy (wo)men of tribes for its shape-shifting qualities, the Raven was called upon in ritual so that visions could be clarified . They understood that what the physical eye sees, is not necessarily the truth, and he would call upon the Raven for clarity in these matters. Foremost, the Raven is the Native American bearer of magic, and a harbinger of messages from the cosmos. Messages that are beyond space and time are nestled in the midnight wings of the Raven and come to only those who are willing to declare themselves worthy of the knowledge. An ode to bring us this strength and willingness.