Here in the Ozarks, Summer has exhaled its final breath. As with every shifting season (especially while living on a farm), all the time sensitive projects and overall preparation for the changing seasons can fill every waking hour of your day(s), if you let it. When you forget to prioritize things you enjoy, you can easily let the weeks slip by without even noticing you haven’t yet made time for your craft… I did not let that happen this time around! phhheww! This early Autumn was especially full, preparing our home for company, tying up loose ends around the farm, seeding and rotating our pigs + chickens to their new grazing grounds, all while making space to play in my studio, too.
I reveled in my craft, and completed a few pendants that I am super fond of n quite excited to share(watch the video^), but as I was making all the stone settings for more of my favorite lil stacker sets, I thought of you...”HOW ABOUT YOU?” I thought… Which of these stones speak to you, and what size is your finger? This time, I would love to make these stacker sets custom for you. Reach out if you’d like to have a set made special for you (or a loved one), and stay tuned for my next shop update which will include both said stackers aaand the pendants you watched come to life in that neat lil video I linked up there for you to peep ;)
p.s. I felt like sharing a photo dump from the last few weeks (with our friends visiting!), cause I LOVE FALL and the vibe is hiiiiigh n sweeeeet ‘round here
enJOY xoxo Mikayla
snake in the garden
diy seed saving
new grazing grounds
quintessential ozark view
squash and morning glory
makin’ charcoal
fall garden harvest
barefoot pickin’
jay in the ozarks
sunset in the ozarks
pickin up friends from the airport in my diy rv (photo by katie cornejo)
baker creek for a birthday celebration
water folk
squash mania
camp vibes at home
taylor + katie <3
(photo by katie cornejo)
raina and katie
shoppin n hanging in Neds booth
(photo by katie cornejo)
mega gourd (taken by katie)
(taken by katie)
real cheese made by real people
katie craftin’ in the ALL GOODS studio
eagle nest n rest
ozarks n friends
friends teach friends how to make pretty thangs
lesya pepper n shrooms (photo taken by katie cornejo)
katie glassin
sweet lil bean
lettin the waterfall find YOU, sweet T
pure pumpkin admiration
max relaxin with Ray n Bets
sun go down
full moon frizz, simple as it should be ;)