Life sure has its ups and downs. We cant physically or spiritually curate every facet of what goes on around us in this ever-changing world. But the good news is….when you continuously pour your energy into the things you want to see MORE of in your life…. you CAN feed the realm of “up”, rather than “down”.
Oh how grateful I am to have a partner who shares the same vision, as well as having an equal amount of intensity to bring said vision(s) to life. We sure know how to immerse ourselves into grit n grind mode, but we also know that if we dont slow down to enjoy the beauty that surrounds us, every single day, then that work ethic means nothing at all. I am becoming more at home in the feeling that no thing NEEDS to be done Now. Our Now moments are fluid, graceful, slow n present. Living in a place that is this ALIVE sure has a way of making me feel small, in a special kind of way. So intimate, and in tune with the cycles of nature. Forever in Awe
Here are a few moments (over the last few months) captured in deep gratitude. May you enjoy Natures Beauty through them <3