You gotta own how you feel, be it joyful, sad, mad or glad. Whatever you are feeling, allow it to be, but question the reasoning behind the feeling. Dont justify it and further encourage the feeling by releasing accountability to the circumstances. Get down to the root of your emotions and understand their purpose. At the end of the day, what we suppress, owns us.
Ever consider viewing yourself from the perspective of another creature of this planet? What do you see? Is what you are all worked up about REALLY important?
I read an interesting book by Brene Brown called “Braving the Wilderness” a few months ago and many of her messages have stuck with me through my daily routines.
In her book, she has an acronym for “BRAVING” and this has really helped me to hold myself accountable for my actions.
B - Boundaries - set them & stick to them
R - Reliability - if you say you are going to do something, do it! ( say no to the things you know you don’t want to do.
A - Accountability - you cant change how others behave but you can change how you react. If you are unhappy or unsatisfied, it is because of the choices YOU have made, or how YOU have chosen to react… not someone else. Hold yourself accountable.
V - Vault - only share what is YOURS to share. Gossip is NOT a virtue. (& remember, your judgments do not define a person, they define YOU)
I - Integrity - align your actions with your highest values, be honest, show up.
N - Non-Judgement - again… your judgments do not define a person, they define YOU
G - Generosity - Be kind & show up with love. Your every interaction with another has an impact in the world.
Do you have a feeling you have been suppressing? If so, how does it feel when you apply “BRAVING” to it.
Get out your journal and spill.